Mergers & Aquisitions
We assist you to realize long-term success when buying or selling companies rather than maximizing short-term expenses.
The success of M & A transactions, such as corporate acquisitions and sales, is not determined by financial engineering. In fact, the business strategy and operational management of the participating companies and entrepreneurs decide on the success. Nevertheless, wrong decisions regarding tax or legal structuring can lead to serious disadvantages. We assist you in finding the right balance between important information for your decisions and the disproportionate weighting of tax or legal structuring issues.
Based on our personal experience from numerous different transactions (asset deals, share deals, IPOs, etc.) we show our clients efficient and forward-looking processes for managing such extraordinary situations. Our goal is that our clients can focus on the business success factors and not lose sight of the essentials through unfamiliar structuring issues.
Company purchases and sales, corporate financing
- Comprehensive advice and optimization of structuring
- Coordination of the buying / selling process
- Providing predictive support for the tax and accounting aspects of the contracts
- Financial and Tax Due Diligence, also on the seller side, so-called Vendor Due Diligence
IPO – Initial Public Offering
- Preparatory restructuring
- Advice on tax-optimal contract design